Saturday, November 3, 2012

Consonance II

                        is a matter of
                        what we prevent
                        ourselves from

a legend is a made thing                      a thing
made out of circumstance
that a story cannot carry

            in its making
            it is made
            & to say what
                        it is

which is to say that the making of a legend
                                    the making is retained
                                    by the made thing
that the legend tells the story of its creation
                                    how it came to be
                                    what it came to

that this man
            an oak tree of a man with an infinite mind
spilled into violence so to be seen as not short tempered
as virtuous      instead
and by extension
                                    unedited          ineradicable

and so towers the legend over his poems        the thinking
swaying and unquestionable
                                                every move every physical
every intellectual & musical move like a bear emerged
and drunk from her cave returned to creation creation

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