Monday, July 9, 2012

The Changes

lilacs erupt and splash the air             the heart sings its memory
as it gathers seeds scattered by death’s glass-gloved hand

warm air rises from thawed fields                   it corkscrews
through budding quivering trees                                 while an infant
suckles the lavender breast with the distant eye of a sun-drawn lake

the seedsong is everywhere               
of nature
opening within nature

the heart remembers these changes

it remembers that morning when the wet fog
turned another key
                                                when you woke
and she was there waiting in her sleep for you
to wake her                
how in shadow she shines.


  1. ending "heart remembers..." is bullion.

  2. them bots rilly messed with me til i got it right. numbers & letters, numbers & fetters--
    unrelenting rude!
